Wednesday, June 19

Why not?

I've always worried that blogging was, well... a little presumptuous. To be fair, it's presumptuous just like any other type of internet sharing--Facebook statuses, Twitter feeds, Pinterest links, Instagram photos-- but the whole idea of sharing your life on the internet requires a big assumption: that anyone is interested. It's assuming that your diary is scandalous enough to be read, your recipes are unique enough to be published, and your inner critic is worthy of a column. I'd like to think I'm a little more humble than that.

And yet, I read blogs ALL the time. I adore all the desserts from Sprinkle Bakes, Baker's Royale, and Bakingdom. Not Martha always has the best PNW-related links. And between Oh My Veggies, and Poor Girl Eats Well... I eat well, too! Even The Urban Farmer's Almanac, which doesn't receive a whole lot of time, is always worth perusing when it's updated.

So why not really blog? At the very least, I'll have an archive of my own discoveries!


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